


证据科学(Evidence Science),是综合运用自然科学和社会科学方法,研究证据采集、鉴定技术以及案件事实认定和法律适用之一般规律的科学理论和方法体系。证据科学在实现法治和司法公正中具有不可替代的作用,并...



2011年7月17日下午,在中国政法大学证据科学研究院主办的第三届证据理论与科学国际研讨会开会期间,国际证据科学协会(International association of evidence science)第一届理事会第一次全体会议在北京举行。...

Andrew Leith Coutts Ligertwood
2018-10-09  点击:[]



Andrew Ligertwood graduated in Law from Adelaide and Oxford Universities and after a year at the University of Pennsylvania in 1970 took up an academic position with the Faculty of Law at The University of Adelaide.  There his teaching and research interests have focused on the nature and processes for the finding of facts determinative of legal decisions.  The principal manifestation of his work is a major and authoritative treatise on the laws of evidence, first published in 1988 and now in a 5th Edition (with Professor Gary Edmond as co-author) entitled Australian Evidence, A Principled Approach to the Common Law and the Uniform Acts, 5th Edition, LexisNexis, Sydney, 2010, pp 1-899.  Andrew Ligertwood was also involved in a major project to provide a comprehensive account of Australian law (‘The Laws of Australia’) and has served as a consultant to the Australian Law Reform Commission and to the Law Council of Australia on projects related to evidence law.  He has served as Dean of the Faculty and spent time as a visitor at University College, Oxford, and the University of Mannheim.  He is now an Emeritus Fellow in Law at the University of Adelaide.
