In the afternoon, July 17, 2011, when the 3rd International Conference on Evidence Law and Forensic Science which was hosted by Institute of Evidence Law and Forensic Science of China University of Political Science and Law was in session, The 1st Plenary Session of the 1st Council of the International Association of Evidence Science was held in Beijing. This plenary session was chaired by Ronald J. Allen, professor of Law School of Northwestern University in USA. Twenty two evidence law scholars and forensic scientists from China, America, Australia, Italy, Israel, Tanzania, Korea, Japan, Hungary, Vietnam, etc. took part in the session. They discussed seriously about the name of the association, object of the association, By-Laws of the association, and proposed the list of candidates of the Council of the Association.
In the Plenary Session of the International Conference, BY-LAWS OF THE INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF EVIDENCE SCIENCE was adopted unanimously by conference representatives, Ronald J. Allen, professor of Law School of Northwestern University in USA, was elected the 1st president of International Association of Evidence Science by unanimous vote, and Andrew Leith Coutts Ligertwood, professor of University of Adelaide in Australia, Zhang Baosheng, professor of China University of Political Science and Law, China, Henry C. Lee, professor of University of New Haven in USA, and Michele Taruffo, professor of University of Pavia in Italy were elected Vice-Presidents by unanimous vote.
Boaz Sangero, professor of The Academic Center of Law & Business in Ramat Gan of Israel, Edward Hoseah Ph.D, Director General of the Prevention and Combating of Corruption Bureau in Tanzania, Edward L. Imwinkelried, professor of University of California Davis in USA, Bian Jianlin, professor, Director of the Procedure Law Research Center of CUPL, Heesun Chung , Director General of National Forensic Service in Korea, Ling Li, professor of Office of the Chief Medical Examiner of State of Maryland in USA, Manabu Wagatsuma, professor of Tokyo Metropolitan Law School in Japan, Miklós Kengyel, professor of University Pécs in Hungary, Nguyen Tien Vung, Deputy Director of National Institute of Forensic Medicine in Vietnam, Chen Ruihua, professor of Peking University in China, Wang Shiquan, professor of China Criminal Police University, Chen Weidong, professor of Renmin University of China, Long Zongzhi, professor of Sichuan University in China, Wang Zhenyuan, Professor of Xi'an Jiaotong University in China, were elected the members of the Council.
The International Association of Evidence Science was registered as a not-for-profit international academic organization in Chicago, United States. Its executive committee is located in China University of Political Science and Law, Beijing, China. In the plenary representative session, Wang Jinxi, Professor of Institute of Evidence Law and Forensic Science of CUPL was elected the Director of the Executive Committee, Professor Chang Lin and associate professor Zhang Zhong was elected the members of the Executive Committee.
The object of the International Association of Evidence Science is to promote the international development of the evidence science by encouraging collaboration among evidence scholars, lawyers and forensic scientists and the exchange of information concerning data, publications, and documents; to promote interdisciplinary and international communications; and to plan, organize and administer meetings, facilitate research and the preparation of reports, and other projects for the stimulation and advancement of these and related purposes. To achieve these objects the Association will in particular: (a) organise Congresses and international colloquia; (b) cooperate with national and multinational associations of evidence, science and law; (c) provide for the publication of an information bulletin concerning the activities of the association, the proceedings at Congresses and colloquia and any other work considered by the executive committee to further the objects of the association.
Professor Ronald J. Allen, the President of the Association, point out that The International Association of Evidence Science should endeavor in promoting the international exchange and collaboration of Evidence Science, and promoting the exchange and integration of the research of Evidence Law and Forensic Science, and promoting the diversity development of the legal reform and the world principle of Rule of Law. At the same time, the Association should further recognize the contribution of the countries of the world to the development of the principle of Rule of Law in the aspects of legal reform, forensic science and procedure law, and promote the integration of the theoretical research and practice.
Since 2007, Institute of Evidence Law and Forensic Science of China University of Political Science and Law has continuously hosted three International Conferences on Evidence Law and Forensic Science, which makes a necessarily academic and organizational preparation for the founding of the International Association of Evidence Science, and provides a unique platform for communication for the collaboration between evidence law scholars and forensic scientists of the countries of the world. The founding of the International Association of Evidence Science was an important achievement of the 3rd International Conference on Evidence Law and Forensic Science, at the same time, which also inaugurated a new phase of the development of the evidence science research.