April 29, 2011


The object of the International Association of Evidence Science is to promote the international development of the evidence science by encouraging collaboration among evidence scholars, lawyers and forensic scientists and the exchange of information concerning data, publications, and documents; to promote interdisciplinary and international communications; and to plan, organize and administer meetings, facilitate research and the preparation of reports, and other projects for the stimulation and advancement of these and related purposes. To achieve these objects the Association will in particular: (a) organise Congresses and international colloquia; (b) cooperate with national and multinational associations of evidence, science and law; (c) provide for the publication of an information bulletin concerning the activities of the association, the proceedings at Congresses and colloquia and any other work considered by the executive committee to further the objects of the association.


Evidence science is a comprehensive scientific theory and methodology which combing the method of natural science and social science to study the evidence collection, forensic service technology, ascertaining the fact of cases and the legal application. Evidence science shows an irreplaceable role on achieving rule of law and judicial justice, which also has more and more perspective on public service. In order to promote international academic exchanges and interdisciplinary studies on evidence science, the Key Laboratory for Evidence Science of Ministry of Education (China University of Political Science and Law) has hosted the first, the second and the third International Conference on Evidence Law and Forensic Science in December, 2007, July, 2009 and July, 2011. In future, the International Conference on Evidence Law and Forensic Science will be an important activity of the International Association of Evidence Science.
December 01, 2011


According to By-laws of the International Association of Evidence Science, following activities will be organized: (a) organize Congresses and international colloquia, decide where they are to be held and indicate the subjects for discussion. Congresses will be held at least every six years and colloquia at least every two years;(b)cooperate with national and multinational associations of evidence, science, and law;(c)provide for the publication of an information bulletin concerning the activities of the association, the proceedings at Congresses and colloquia and any other work considered by the executive committee to further the objects of the association.
December 01, 2011

International Association of Evidence Science Was Formally Founded in Beijing

In the afternoon, July 17, 2011, when the 3rd International Conference on Evidence Law and Forensic Science which was hosted by Institute of Evidence Law and Forensic Science of China University of Political Science and Law was in session, The 1st Plenary Session of the 1st Council of the International Association of Evidence Science was held in Beijing. This plenary session was chaired by Ronald J. Allen, professor of Law School of Northwestern University in USA. Twenty two evidence law scholars and forensic scientists from China, America, Australia, Italy, Israel, Tanzania, Korea, Japan, Hungary, Vietnam, etc. took part in the session. They discussed seriously about the name of the association, object of the association, By-Laws of the association, and proposed the list of candidates of the Council of the Association.

Andrew Leith Coutts Ligertwood


Andrew Ligertwood graduated in Law from Adelaide and Oxford Universities and after a year at the University of Pennsylvania in 1970 took up an academic position with the Faculty of Law at The University of Adelaide.  There his teaching and research interests have focused on the nature and processes for the finding of facts determinative of legal decisions.  The principal manifestation of his work is a major and authoritative treatise on the laws of evidence, first published in 1988 and now in a 5th Edition (with Professor Gary Edmond as co-author) entitled Australian Evidence, A Principled Approach to the Common Law and the Uniform Acts, 5th Edition, LexisNexis, Sydney, 2010, pp 1-899.  Andrew Ligertwood was also involved in a major project to provide a comprehensive account of Australian law (‘The Laws of Australia’) and has served as a consultant to the Australian Law Reform Commission and to the Law Council of Australia on projects related to evidence law.  He has served as Dean of the Faculty and spent time as a visitor at University College, Oxford, and the University of Mannheim.  He is now an Emeritus Fellow in Law at the University of Adelaide.

下一条:Zhang Baosheng
