April 29, 2011


The object of the International Association of Evidence Science is to promote the international development of the evidence science by encouraging collaboration among evidence scholars, lawyers and forensic scientists and the exchange of information concerning data, publications, and documents; to promote interdisciplinary and international communications; and to plan, organize and administer meetings, facilitate research and the preparation of reports, and other projects for the stimulation and advancement of these and related purposes. To achieve these objects the Association will in particular: (a) organise Congresses and international colloquia; (b) cooperate with national and multinational associations of evidence, science and law; (c) provide for the publication of an information bulletin concerning the activities of the association, the proceedings at Congresses and colloquia and any other work considered by the executive committee to further the objects of the association.


Evidence science is a comprehensive scientific theory and methodology which combing the method of natural science and social science to study the evidence collection, forensic service technology, ascertaining the fact of cases and the legal application. Evidence science shows an irreplaceable role on achieving rule of law and judicial justice, which also has more and more perspective on public service. In order to promote international academic exchanges and interdisciplinary studies on evidence science, the Key Laboratory for Evidence Science of Ministry of Education (China University of Political Science and Law) has hosted the first, the second and the third International Conference on Evidence Law and Forensic Science in December, 2007, July, 2009 and July, 2011. In future, the International Conference on Evidence Law and Forensic Science will be an important activity of the International Association of Evidence Science.
December 01, 2011


According to By-laws of the International Association of Evidence Science, following activities will be organized: (a) organize Congresses and international colloquia, decide where they are to be held and indicate the subjects for discussion. Congresses will be held at least every six years and colloquia at least every two years;(b)cooperate with national and multinational associations of evidence, science, and law;(c)provide for the publication of an information bulletin concerning the activities of the association, the proceedings at Congresses and colloquia and any other work considered by the executive committee to further the objects of the association.
December 01, 2011

International Association of Evidence Science Was Formally Founded in Beijing

In the afternoon, July 17, 2011, when the 3rd International Conference on Evidence Law and Forensic Science which was hosted by Institute of Evidence Law and Forensic Science of China University of Political Science and Law was in session, The 1st Plenary Session of the 1st Council of the International Association of Evidence Science was held in Beijing. This plenary session was chaired by Ronald J. Allen, professor of Law School of Northwestern University in USA. Twenty two evidence law scholars and forensic scientists from China, America, Australia, Italy, Israel, Tanzania, Korea, Japan, Hungary, Vietnam, etc. took part in the session. They discussed seriously about the name of the association, object of the association, By-Laws of the association, and proposed the list of candidates of the Council of the Association.

Boaz Sangero



Head of Criminal Law & Criminology Department Academic Center of Law & Business, Israel


Tel. 972-2-6764394; 972-528-237676

Email Address: Sangero-Kitai@bezeqint.net



The Hebrew University of Jerusalem School of Law, Jerusalem, Israel Doctorate in Law, 1994

The Hebrew University of Jerusalem School of Law, Jerusalem, Israel LL.B., 1988 Cum Laude


The Academic Center of Law & Business, Ramat Gan, Israel  Head of the Department of Criminal Law & Criminology 2002 - 2011

The Academic Center of Law & Business, Ramat-Gan, Israel Law lecturer


Criminal Law;

Criminal Law Defenses;

Finality of Proceedings and Miscarriages of Justice;

Criminal Sentencing;

Sexual Offenses;

Interpretation in Criminal Law;

Convicting the Innocent – Causes and Possible Solutions 1997 - 2011

The Hebrew University of Jerusalem School of Law, Jerusalem, Israel Law lecturer


Sexual Offenses 1994 - 2001

Attorney at Law & Arbiter Jerusalem, Israel          1989 - 2002

The Hebrew University of Jerusalem School of Law, Jerusalem, Israel Teacher Assistant


Criminal Law 1988 - 1994

The Supreme Court of Israel, Jerusalem, Israel Judicial Clerk, Justice Gabriel Bach 1988 - 1989


Bar Admission: Member of the Israeli Bar, admitted 1989.

Military Service: Major in the Education Corps.

A member of the Council of the International Association of Evidence and Science.


(available at:



http://works.bepress.com/dr_boaz_sangero/H = Hebrew)

1.A New Defense for Self-Defense 9 BUFFALO CRIM. L. REV. 475 (2006).

2. SELF- DEFENCE IN CRIMINAL LAW (Hart Publishing, Oxford and Portland, Oregon, 2006).

[See also:

Fiona Leverick, Defending Self-Defence , 27 Oxford Journal of Legal Studies 563-579 (2007);)(a)

(b) Antje du Bois-Pedain, Book Reviews: 1. Self-Defence In Criminal Law, By Boaz Sangero [Oxford: Hart Publishing, 2006]; 2. Killing in Self-Defence, By Fiona Leverick [Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2006], The Cambridge Law Journal 227 (2009)

[The author compares between the books];

(c) Faiza Qureshi, A Review of Self-Defence in Criminal Law, 80 The Police Journal 187 (2007);

(d) Judy Broder and Arnold Enker, Book Review: Self-Defence in Criminal Law, 10 New Crim. L. R. 690 (2007);

(e) Jesse Elvin, Review: Self-Defence in Criminal Law, 19 Current Issues in Criminal Justice 376 (2008).]

3. Are All Forms of Joint Crime Really ‘Organized Crime’? On The New Israeli Combating Criminal Organizations Law and Parallel Legislation in the U.S. and Other Countries  29 LOYOLA INTERNATIONAL AND COMPARATIVE L. REV. 61 (2007).

4. Miranda Is Not Enough: A New Justification For Demanding “Strong Corroboration” To A Confession” 28 CARDOZO L. REV. 2791(2007).

5. Why a Conviction Should not be Based on A Single Piece of Evidence: A Proposal for Reform (co-author: Dr. Mordechai Halpert) 48 JURIMETRICS: THE JOURNAL OF LAW, SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY 43 (2007).

6. In Defence of Self-Defence in Criminal Law; and on Killing in Self-Defence – A Reply to Fiona Leverick  6 CRIMINAL L. BULLETIN 3 (2008).

7. From a Plane Crash to the Conviction of an Innocent Person: Why Forensic Science Evidence Should Be Inadmissible Unless it has been Developed as a Safety-critical System (co-author – Dr. Mordechai Halpert) 32 HAMLINE L. REV. 65 (2009).

8. Comment, "Self-Defense and the Psychotic Aggressor ": What About Proportionality? (In the book CRIMINAL LAW CONVERSATIONS, edited by Paul H. Robinson, Stephen P. Garvey and Kimberly Kessler Ferzan, Oxford University Press, 2009) 372.

9.Heller's Self-Defense 13 THE NEW CRIMINAL L. REV. 449 (2010).

10. Proposal to Reverse the View of a Confession: From Key Evidence Requiring Corroboration to Corroboration for Key Evidence (co-author – Dr. Mordechai Halpert) 44 UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN JOURNAL OF L. REFORM 511 (2011).

11. A Safety Doctrine for the Criminal Justice System, MICHIGAN STATE LAW REVIEW (co-author – Dr. Mordechai Halpert, forthcoming 2012).

12. Solicitation by Omission – Is it Indeed Impossible? 16 HEBREW UNIVERSITY LAW STUDIES ("MISHPATIM") 482 (1987) (H).

13. Will The ‘Purposes’ in Criminal Offenses Become ‘Motives’? And is the ‘Dolus Indirectus’ Moving in a New Direction? (More on ‘with Intent to Injure” as an Element of the Criminal Offense of Defamation and on the Interpretation of the Criminal Law) 18 HEBREW UNIVERSITY LAW STUDIES ("MISHPATIM") 337 (1988) (H).

14. Interpretational Acrobatics in Criminal Law? And a Quiet Death to the Rule of Restrictive Interpretation? (More on ‘With Intent to Injure’ in the Offense of Defamation) 29 HEBREW UNIVERSITY LAW STUDIES ("MISHPATIM")  723 (1998) (H).

15. Retrial – Reality or Dream? Defeat of  Justice by Finality of Proceedings (co-author: Mordechai Kremnitzer) 1 C.L.B. LAW STUDIS ("ALEI MISHPAT")  97 (1999)(H).


17. On Capital Punishment in General and on the Death Penalty for Murder Committed During a Terrorist Act in Particular, 2 C.L.B. LAW STUDIS ("ALEI MISHPAT") 97 (2002) (H).

18. Where There Is No Suspicion There is no Real Investigation: “The Report of the Committee of Inquiry into the Disappearance of the Children of Jewish Yeminite Immigrants to Israel” 21 THEORY & CRITICISM 47 (2002)(H).

19. Broad Construction in Criminal Law?! On the Supreme Court Chief Justice as a Super Legislator and Eulogizing the Strict Construction Rule, 3 C.L.B. LAW STUDIS ("ALEI MISHPAT")165 (2003) (H).

20. Book Review: Yuval Karniel, Breach of Trust in Corporations (Civil and Criminal Law) 3 C.L.B. LAW STUDIS ("ALEI MISHPAT") 353 (2003) (H).

21. The Necessity of Corroboration to Confession, 4 C.L.B. LAW STUDIS ("ALEI MISHPAT") 245 (2005) (H).

22. Do We Need More Incarceration? On the Proposed Amendment to the Penal Law for Guiding Judicial Sentencing Discretion, 5 C.L.B. LAW STUDIS ("ALEI MISHPAT") 247 (2006) (H).

23. Can the Abuse of Process Defense do Justice? (Following the inclusion of the defense in the Criminal Procedure Law), 125 THE DEFENSE ATTORNEY ("HA’SANEGOR") 4 (2006) (H).


25. An Exclusionary Rule for Evidence Obtained Unlawfully as Established in the Yissacharov Ruling – Good or Bad Tidings? 19 IDF L. REV. 67 (2007) (H).

26.  Why A Conviction Should not be Based on a Drug Test Alone (co-author: Dr. Mordechai Halpert) 37 LAW AND MEDICINE ("REFUA U’MISHPAT") 123 (2007) (H).

27. The Disengagement from Gaza Strip as a Test for the Israeli Democracy – on the Treatment of the opposition to the Disengagement by the Law Enforcement Authorities (in JUDGE URI KITAI BOOK: COLLECTION OF LEGAL ARTICLES IN HIS HONOR, 2007) 193 (H).

28. Nevertheless, No single Drug Test for Conviction (co-author: Dr. Mordechai Halpert) 38 LAW AND MEDICINE ("REFUA U’MISHPAT") 166 (2008) (H).

29. External Supervision on the Prosecution, 145 THE DEFENSE ATTORNEY ("HA’SANEGOR") 4 (2009) (H).

30. The Danger of a Conviction Based on a Breathalyzer Test (on the breathalyzer purporting to identify drunken driving), (co-author: Dr. Mordechai Halpert) (in "HA'PRAKLIT" - DAVID WIENER BOOK ON CRIMINAL LAW AND ETHICS, 2009) 313 (H)).

31. Nevertheless, No single Breathalyzer Test  for Conviction (co-author: Dr. Mordechai Halpert)  (in "HA'PRAKLIT" - DAVID WIENER BOOK ON CRIMINAL LAW AND ETHICS, 2009) 373 (H)).

32. Amendment No. 39 of the Penal Law Tested by the Patience of Law Enforcement Officials – the Combating Criminal Organizations Law (in the book: Eli Lederman, Keren Shapira-Etinger & Shai Lavi, ed., A DECADE TO AMENDMENT NO. 39 OF THE PENAL LAW, 2010) 91 (H).

33. A Conviction – Only Unanimously (co-author: Dr. Itay Lipschits) 8 C.L.B. LAW STUDIS ("ALEI MISHPAT") 337 (2010) (H).

34. Misconduct of Police, Negligence of Prosecution, Optimism of Judges and Conviction of Innocent persons, 158 THE DEFENSE ATTORNEY ("HA’SANEGOR") 4 (2010) (H).

35.  I Accuse also the Judges, 159 THE DEFENSE ATTORNEY ("HA’SANEGOR") 5 (2010) (H).

36. Rethinking Self-Defense Following the Dromi Verdict and the New Israeli Law 13 LAW AND GOVERNMENT ("MISHPAT U-MIMSHAL") 93 (2010) (H).

37. On a Confession and on 'Junk Science Such as a Shoe-Print – The Conviction of Zadorov as a Test-Case, 165 THE DEFENSE ATTORNEY ("HA’SANEGOR") 4 (2010) (H).

38. From the Fallacy of the Transposed Conditional to Wrongful Convictions based on Confessions (co-author – Dr. Mordechai Halpert , 26 BAR-ILAN LAW STUDIES 733 (2010) (H).

39. Using Tricks and Cover Agents for Extracting Confessions, 9 C.L.B. LAW STUDIS ("ALEI MISHPAT") 399 (2011) (H).

40. The Testimony of an Accomplice: Efficiency versus Truth – On the Reversal of the Kinsey Ruling (in JUSTICE GABRIEL BACH BOOK, Editors: David Hahn, Dana Cohen-Lekach, Michael Bach, 2011) 335 (H).

41. Nevertheless, Reversing the View of a Confession (co-author – Dr. Mordechai Halpert , forthcoming, BAR-ILAN LAW STUDIES) (H).

42. The Need for Regulation of Scientific Evidence (co-author – Dr. Mordechai Halpert , forthcoming in the book CONVICTIONS OF INNOCENTS IN ISRAEL, eds. Ronit Peled, Efrat Shoham & Meir Carmon) (H).

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